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Thursday, March 24, 2011

Spring Break 2011

The Writer and I have been in Fort Myers, Florida since last Friday.  His parents moved down here last August and we're spending the week in their gorgeous home.  After this past winter, we definitely needed some sun and we've sure had it.  It's been 85 degrees and and sunny the whole time!

We nearly missed missed our flight down here.  The plane was set to depart at 5:40 am and we didn't get on the airport shuttle until 5:00 because we slept through our alarms.  It's a good thing the front desk called us when we weren't there for the 4:30 shuttle as planned and that an airport employee informed us that there was a completely empty security checkpoint only one terminal down or we would have been making alternate travel plans.

For dinner that night, I tried alligator tail! I can't say its something I'd want to add to my regular diet, since the consistency is a bit tough, but it was tasty and worth the adventure.  I was still trying to stick to my diet as much as possible during those first few days, so I may have been persuaded to eat it by its extremely high protein content.  Needless to say, my diet and exercising effort have diminished considerably as vacation mode has set in.  I still try to load up on salad when I can and we're staying pretty active by biking, kayaking, and walking along the beaches, but I'm definitely letting myself indulge on desserts and carbs way more than I have for the two weeks leading up to vacation.

We've seen lots of interesting wildlife, too.  Almost immediately after arriving at The Writer's parent's house, we saw a bald eagle flying overhead and a manatee down by their dock.  The next day, which we spent on Sanibel Island, we visited a park that had a variety of parrots, ducks, and lemurs.  We saw another manatee and a few dolphins on our boating excursion the next day, although not nearly as many as they usually see, which was a little disappointing. Yesterday, we were back on Sanibel beach, and saw a group of 10 stingrays swimming along the shoreline together.  There have also been numerous turtle and lizard sightings, as well as a trip to the most exotic pet store I've ever been in.  It was so hard to leave without a puppy or a baby hedgehog, but lack of funds and the distance we'd have to transport our new pet deterred us.

I'm not missing work or job hunting at all.  When I first heard that the one business that I work for, a dance studio, was most likely going to be closing and that they could no longer pay me, I felt as if this vacation was coming at a bad time.  I'd started looking for a new and more permanent position immediately and had to postpone an interview until after our return.  I'm glad to have gotten away.  I think that the time I've spent relaxing in the sun and having a more normal schedule instead of having to wake up at 3:45 am for work has made me realize that nothing about my current employment situation is suitable to me.  Granted, it is better that trying to make it on a retail salesperson job, but it isn't the nine-to-five I was hoping it would be.  The Writer's parents have given me some good advice that I'll hopefully be able to use to find something that's a good fit as soon as we get home.

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